Module 1 – Introduction to HACCP

Evolution of HACCP Worldwide

  • In the US, HACCP based systems have become mandatory for meat, poultry, and fish plants.
  • Internationally, HACCP systems have been implemented in many countries. It has been incorporated into the World Health Organization / Food & Agriculture Organization standard, (Codex Alimentarius) and is now required of most food businesses in Europe.

What is HACCP?

  • HACCP is preventative in that it puts controls in place to ensure food safety.
  • HACCP is systematic in that it covers all aspects of food production.
  • HACCP is thorough in that it identifies potential hazards at every step, for every ingredient or food.
  • HACCP is internationally recognized in that most countries have implemented some form of this food safety system.

HACCP Determines

  • Where hazards can be minimized or controlled.
  • What to do to control hazards.
  • How to train employees.
  • How to implement the system.
  • What information to record.

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